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Here's what mental health wellness looks like for every zodiac sign

When was the last time you were asked, “what’s your zodiac sign?!” Zodiac signs (also known as astrological signs) refer to one of twelve constellations that the sun passes through; these signs are classified by the four basic elements of earth, water, fire, and air. 

Astrology is a useful tool that aids in our understanding of spiritual and holistic wellness and why we are the way we are. Individuals can utilize astrology to understand their personality traits, qualities, quirks, and weaknesses. 

Overall, understanding your zodiac sign and embracing astrology can help to alleviate stress, uncertainty, and promote self-discovery. So, join me today as we explore an overall mental health picture and related personality traits of each zodiac sign along with a “quick win” or hack you can practice based on your sign that will boost your mental wellness and help to alleviate stress!

Characteristics of each zodiac sign, and how this contributes to their overall mental health picture. 


Aries are energetic, excited to do new things, and naturally take charge. They might respond to stress by trying to run away from emotions or by keeping busy with other tasks or situations. As a fire sign, Aries has a reputation for being hotheaded- you might struggle with impulsivity, impatience, and at times, anger. On the flip side of this, the fiery nature of Aries contributes to their lack of fear when it comes to conflict, honesty, and direct approach to everyday situations. 

Quick win for Aries: Aries’ metal is iron, so, strength training or ‘pumping iron’ can work wonders on your mood and relieve stress. Building physical strength and focusing on physical activity can also help to diffuse feelings of anger that can build up. With a natural thirst for adventure, I encourage you to try something new and adventurous like kickboxing or rock climbing! A therapeutic tool that could be useful for Aries is somatic experiencing (SE). We store memories, experiences, and emotions on a cellular level; utilizing the technique of movement within SE can be a natural way for your body to move through and past difficult experiences and intense emotions. An example of movement could be as simple as stretching- you might also like to try yoga or something that involves more aerobic exertion. Try to pre-plan outlets to channel your energy or you might end up taking it out on the wrong people!


Taurus loves routine and is committed to comfort. They are methodological, logical, and practical by nature. Taurus signs can be stubborn or bull-headed and find it hard to accept criticism. They might respond to stress by retreating to their personal space and avoiding social contact. 

Quick win for Taurus: Engaging in activities rooted in connection to self can help you feel more grounded and calm. A useful grounding exercise is the “54321” technique- trying looking for: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. This exercise can help to reduce anxiety, and stress and help you remain in the present moment! Having a simple morning and/or nighttime ritual that focuses on self-care can also be useful- for example, practicing a particular skincare routine.


Geminis are intelligent, funny, and social. They’re the life of the party and tend to have large social circles that keep them busy. Because of this, Gemini also fears being alone. Aligning with their natural desire to keep busy, Gemini try to avoid stressful situations by focusing extra on their work, which can lead to burnout and mental and physical exhaustion. 

Quick win for Gemini: Try activities that keep your hands busy and access your creative side- you might want to try journaling, doodling, or crafting. Practicing mindfulness can also be useful for training your mind to be comfortable with stillness! A mindfulness practice you can try is a body scan. In this exercise, you scan through each part of your body and pay attention to the way each area feels- are you tense? Cold or hot? Relaxed? Tingly? You can check out a step-by-step walkthrough of a body scan here. 


Cancers are very sensitive and self-aware. They tend to be homebodies that find comfort in familiarity. Their empathy is both a strength and something to be cautious of- they can be easily weighted down by their own sorrows and the sorrows of those around them. Similar to Taurus, in stressful situations, Cancers tend to retreat internally; they don’t want to involve anyone else in their stress and anxiety. 

Quick win for Cancer: As a water sign, Cancer can benefit from being near water- be it a lake, ocean, or even taking a relaxing bath with Epsom salts. Focus on creating a safe space for yourself that allows you to embrace your heavy emotions- this can be a physical space or a space you visualize in your mind. I encourage you to try safe space meditation or visualization exercises! The purpose of a safe space visualization is to empower you to self-soothe by engaging your senses to imagine a safe, peaceful place. Through visualization, you can calm your body’s physical and mental responses to stress and anxiety. If you’re interested in trying this, you can listen to a guided visualization here. 


Leos are bold, warm, and loving. They hold themselves to a high standard and have a large appetite for growth. They struggle with being told what to do and prefer to be in a leadership role. Leos perceive stress as an opportunity to work on themselves; instead of retreating or dealing with stressful situations alone, they prefer to be with others and might cope by socializing, going out with friends, or participating in volunteer work. 

Quick win for Leo: Motivating yourself through positive affirmations and focusing on internal validation can fill you with self-love and a sense of calm; self-affirmation is a form of positive self-talk that can create positive changes in your thinking patterns. Try creating a list of 5-10 affirmations you can repeat daily (i.e. I am valuable. I nourish my body with healthy food. I am healthy and strong) that lift you up and motivate you. You can even incorporate these affirmations into breathing exercises for an added calming effect. With your hand on your heart, try inhaling for 5 seconds, holding for 5 seconds then exhaling for 5 seconds; at the end of this breath, say your affirmation out loud and repeat! While strengthening your relationship with yourself is important, cultivating relationships with others is also necessary- try reaching out to a friend or family member in times of stress to go for a coffee or even invite them for a nice home-cooked meal!


Virgos have incredible spatial awareness and attention to detail. They like to be useful and participate in things larger than themselves. Virgos are also great problem solvers. This can be their downside- at times Virgos can be so busy ‘fixing’ others that they neglect their own needs. They can be highly critical of themselves and tend to prefer to deal with stress alone. 

Quick win for Virgo: Having a purpose or sense of achievement is when Virgos feel most at peace. You can try volunteering or performing a random act of kindness! Behavioural activation is a specific technique used in psychotherapy that focuses on using behaviours and activities to “activate” positive emotions and reactions- try focusing on activities of pleasure and mastery! Activities of pleasure are those that are enjoyable, relaxing, and help you to de-stress (i.e. having coffee with a friend, taking a bath) whereas activities of mastery are those that involve your skill and talent to perform (i.e. organized sports, playing an instrument). Engaging in both of these types of activities will not only serve as a reminder that you are capable and competent, but will provide you with the sense of achievement you desire! 


Libras are strategic, spontaneous, focused, and intuitive to the need of others. They are compassionate and empathetic. Libras dislike conflict and try to avoid confrontation with others. In times of stress, they prefer reaching out to their friends and loved ones for their advice. Instead of shutting down, they use their energies creatively to come up with solutions. 

Quick win for Libra: Focus on activities that exercise your creativity and desire to be with others. You could try a painting or pottery class, knitting, or crocheting- then share this new hobby with a friend! A gratitude journal is another great strategy for exercising creativity in the form of writing, while also focusing on positivity. Gratitude can be directed towards yourself, others, and objects or even experiences and opportunities. If you’re having trouble getting started, you can try using the following prompts:

  • In the last week, what did you do that you are grateful for?
  • In the last week, what did someone else do that you are grateful for?
  • In the last week, what did someone else say to you that you are grateful for?
  • In the last week, is there a sensation (that you saw/heard/smelled/tasted/felt) that you are grateful for?

Check out this previous blog post to read more about the benefits of gratitude.


Scorpios have a strong sense of determination. They are emotional, intuitive, and exeunt passion in everything they do. Scorpios tend to be the “suffer in silence” type. If they are struggling with anxiety and stress, they keep this to themselves and likely have a hard time accepting their situation and feeling this way. 

Quick win for Scorpio: Daily meditative practice or deep breathing exercises can help to bring clarity and achieve a state of calmness. This will also help you come to a place of acceptance during times of struggle! A useful breathing exercise to try is diaphragmatic breathing, otherwise known as belly breathing. With belly breathing, the stomach moves with each breath rather than the chest- by focusing on each breath, you can quiet your mind. To practice this, place one hand on your chest and one on your stomach. Inhale through your nose for about 5 seconds, hold for 2 seconds and exhale for another 5 seconds- remember your hand on your stomach should be moving not the one on your chest!


Sagittarius is optimistic, humorous, and honest. They desire personal growth and exploration. Sagittarius tries to avoid stressful situations. Instead of working through and addressing stress, similar to Aries, they’ll distract themselves with work and by being surrounded by people. 

Quick win for Sagittarius: Sagittarius is most happy when on the move and exploring the wonders of life. You might benefit from going for a hike and embracing the healing effects of nature, or trying new things like eating at a new local restaurant! You can incorporate mindfulness into these activities as well as a way to reduce stress, and anxiety and remain in the present to work through your stress instead of avoiding it. For example, you can take a mindful hike by engaging your five senses to bring awareness to both your body and your surroundings. How do the leaves look on the trees? Are there birds singing, and what do they sound like? Trying to feel the texture of moss or rocks. Take note of the scents around you as well!


Capricorns are practical, responsible, and patient. They have a “can do” attitude, which sometimes causes them to take on more than they can handle. When it comes to stress and anxiety, Capricorns tend to focus on finding practical solutions to their problems. 

Quick win for Capricorn: Practicing yoga or other movement therapies (i.e. dance, tai chi) can help you to embrace flow, flexibility, and adaptivity. This will also help you to be more attuned to your body and focus internally instead of on the needs of others! Yoga and mindfulness can go hand in hand- while there are poses that focus on strengthening and stretching your body, there are also specific poses that can benefit your mind by quieting your internal monologue and heightening your awareness. Check out four easy mindful yoga poses here! 


Aquarius’ are friendly, honest, and intelligent. They are charming and tend to thrive in large groups. Aquarius are good planners which is both a strength and a potential weakness; their natural affinity to planning head can lead to neglect of the present and a detachment from reality and their emotions in stressful situations

Quick win for Aquarius: Practicing mindfulness and developing skills that help to focus on the present can be incredibly effective for reducing stress. You might also benefit from trying alternative healing modalities like reiki that can help you to bring your attention to reality and energy forces within and outside of you! Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a great technique for stress reduction and keeping your mind on the present. You can do this exercise from home or any space that is quiet and comfortable for you! PMR teaches you how to relax your muscles through a two-step process of systematically tensing and releasing different muscle groups, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. The muscle groups you will focus on are: feet, lower leg and foot, entire leg, hand, entire arm, buttocks, stomach, chest, neck and shoulders, mouth, eyes, and forehead. 


Pisces are sensitive, compassionate, and selfless. They are also very wise. Pisces can be easily overstimulated, which at times leads them to be forgetful. They have an incredible imagination and affinity for creativity. Sometimes they put others’ needs before their own. Like Capricorns, Pisces tend to be good at dealing with stress. They’ll use their imaginations to figure out ways to keep their stress away. 

Quick win for Pisces: Similar to Libras, Pisces benefits from channeling energy through creative pursuits. To boost your mood and relieve stress, try engaging your creative brain- be it drawing, sketching, painting, theatre, photography, dancing, or writing. Art therapy is a great tool for stress and anxiety reduction! You could try drawing your stress to help you to express emotions that are hard to put into words- this could be a literal or abstract representation. 

The main takeaway today is to keep an open mind about the different forces that impact why are the way we are! Astrology, universal forces, and energies can play a huge role in our personalities and how we handle day-to-day situations- including stress!

Take some time this week to reflect on how you cope with stress. How might your astrological sign align with this? And further, what strategies are currently working for you? What might need adjusting to better suit your needs? 











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Katie MacNeill

A Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) and promoter of health and mental wellness. Born and raised in Mississauga, she currently lives in Niagara with her sweet rescue dog Bailey. Katie is a sushi enthusiast, avid camper and loves to play board games. 

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